Our School Timetable

We report to the school by 7:45 in the morning. Then, we start our day in the school with the morning assembly which consists of the school prayer, school song and the school pledge by our school chorus team. Then, from 8am onward, we have four continuous classes, each of 45 minutes. After that we also have a recess period for 30 minutes. Then again we have three more classes of 45 minutes each.

In our school, we have six scholastic subjects. They are English, 2nd Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and an additional subject, Computer. The English subject comprises of two parts, the literature part (English 1) and the grammar part (English 2). The 2nd language is an option of three languages, Assamese, Bengali or Hindi, every student must choose any one of them. Science has three parts, physics, chemistry and biology. And the Social Studies has two parts, Social Studies 1 (history, political science & economics) and Social Studies 2 (geography & disaster management).

Our school also has many co-scholastic options too. Sports like cricket, football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, tae-kwando and chess are played by us. It has yoga facilities too. We also learn drawing and painting in our school. Performing arts like guitar, acoustic drum, keyboards, tabla, Hindustani vocal and dance are also taught here. We also have a library class to enhance our habit of reading books. We also have leadership activities like Scouts & Guides and NCC (National Cadet Corps). Our school has four clubs, Ecology Club, Literary Club, Science Club and Health & Hygiene Club, every student belongs to any one of these.

At 2pm we end our day in school with our school afternoon assembly which consists of the national anthem of our country.

A copy of a Class Routine of Class 8(SBK)

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